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Profile picture for user Hans Schwarz
Erstellt von Lucia Chmurova (nicht überprüft) on Do., 19/10/2023 - 11:03 Permalink

Dear Siegfried,

I work for a insect conservation charity Buglife in the UK and I am just working on something that involves Neoitamus cothurnatus. I was wondering whether I would be able to use your image for work we are doing where we will be featuring this specific species, this would be for an online PDF document and maybe also for a social media post when we are promoting the PDF? This is for non-commercial purposes and of course the image would be credited with your name.

We are proposing a network of areas for better invertebrate protection in the UK and the image would be used to help conservation of this species. Once it is ready, the document will be available on this interactive map:

Thank you


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